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Welcome to Circle of Friends Drop in Center

Providing Mental Health Support and Resources For Adults.

Circle of Friends Drop in Center (COF) is a place where adults with mental health can come and receive meals, support, education, recreation, and socialization. Our goal is to provide a safe and welcoming environment where members can feel comfortable and supported. We believe that everyone deserves the chance to live a happy and fulfilling life, and we are here to help you achieve that.


To become a member of COF, you must be referred by Service Access and Management, Inc (SAM). Please contact them to learn more about our services and how to become a member.



19 N 6th St #300,

Reading, PA 19601

(610) 236-0530


We look forward to having you become part of our family.



Monday - Thursday  8am - 5pm

Friday  8am - 3pm


We understand that suicide prevention is a critical issue for many people, and we are committed to providing resources and support to those in need. If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, please call/text 988 or visit

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